Solar Empowerment Network

For Solar Powered People

This is a long-range planning brainstorm of a way to scale up distribution of Solar Nexus Systems and improve the quality of small scale PV installations in African markets.

The idea is to build a 'solar electric parts store in a box'.

The 'box' is a 20 foot standard ISO shipping container.

The shelves will be filled with bulk quantities of 'balance of systems' parts and equipment including wire terminals, lugs, bus bars, circuit breakers, fuses, 'nexus' powercenters, metal rails and array racking hardware as well as bulk spools of wire and cable appropriate for PV installations. as well as the full range (A through F) of 'nexus' power centers and their spare parts. PV modules and batteries will be imported directly from China. Additional warehouse only space or additional container(s) may be required for stocking modules and batteries.

Built-in shelves or cabinets with numbering codes to organize and keep accurate inventory of all materials. Inventory system will be clearly labeled and easy to understand and maintain accurate count. A goal might be to be able to completely hand count the inventory in less than 2 hours, or whatever time.

For dealer direct sales the container could be equipped with a service counter near the door end, with hinged countertop to separate customer area at the door from authorized access in the body of container.

The permanently stocked inventory will be a selected range of wire and wiring hardware appropriate for our A through F range of nexus power centers. The stocking levels will be maintained according to market feedback that will be determined over time and could vary between different locations.

The containers will be outfitted with specialized tools appropriate to a distributor, such as:

* Wire spoolers and a measuring instrument for recording length of wire sold

* Bench-mounted crimpers for making custom battery cables and bulk quantities of standard battery interconnection cables.

* Specialized crimping tools for “Multi-contact” type PV module interconnects

Nexus assembly bench and testing equipment

Onboard PV system to provide electric power to the container. Good lighting and ventilation!

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